Sponsorship Opportunities

Audience and Reach

  • Reach: 22,000+ and growing 2,000+ subscribers per month

  • Audience: Software Developers, Software Engineers, Software Architects, Solution Architects, Principal Engineers, Software Managers, CTOs, Entrepreneurs, Freelancers

  • Average open rate: 43%

  • Average sponsorship views: 14,000+

  • Cost: €500

What you get as a sponsor

When you purchase a sponsorship, you get one advertisement in the Monday newsletter.

Your ad will be the only add in the newsletter post

The newsletter is published at 8 AM (UTC+2) every Monday morning, and you can expect 300-600 visitors to your website or offer, depending on relevancy.

Your sponsorship will also remain live forever.

Please note that there are no cancellations or reschedules due to timing, availability, and holding the date.

Reserve your sponsorship here